

The 2024 Weyl-Wigner Award has been awarded to:

Igor Frenkel from  Yale University for his fundamental contributions to representation theory of infinite dimensional Lie algebras, their applications in theoretical physics and for seminal contributions to vertex operator algebras and the categorification program.

Michèle Vergne  from  the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu  for her fundamental contributions to algebra, representation theory and geometry. Her contributions were instrumental in developing modern tools in mathematical physics.


The 2024 Hermann Weyl Prize has been awarded to Nicole Yunger Halpern from  the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the University of Maryland for her innovative contributions to quantum thermodynamics in the presence of non-Abelian charges, and for her creative use of symmetries that has paved the way to experimental exploration. Her impressive contributions to the public understanding of science are commended.


 Call for nominations (OPEN until January 15, 2024)

The purpose of the Award shall be to recognize outstanding contributions to the understanding of physics through group theory.
Contributions recognized by the Award may include the development and application of mathematical methods, applications of group theoretical methods in chemistry and other sciences, experimental predictions or formulations of general laws of nature using methods of group theory or representation theory, and other related developments. Group theory shall be construed in its widest sense, to include related mathematical structures.
Nominations should include name and affiliation of the candidate, together with at least a summary of his/her achievements that you consider meriting consideration for the Weyl-Wigner Award.

More detailed nomination materials, such as letters of recommendation, may be requested later if needed.

The Weyl-Wigner Award will be awarded coinciding with the XXXIII/V ICGTMP (Group33/35), to be held in Cotonou, Benin, 15-19 July 2024.

Nominations may be submitted by e-mail to
Nicolai Reshetikin
Chair of the Weyl-Wigner Award 2024 Selection Committee
email address: reshetik@math.berkeley.edu


 Call for nominations (OPEN until December 31, 2023)

The purpose of the Hermann Weyl Prize is to provide recognition for young scientists who have performed top level original work in the area of understanding physics through symmetries.
To be eligible for the Hermann Weyl Prize, the candidate should be either 35 years of age or younger, or be within 5 years of having received the doctoral degree, at the time of the deadline of the application.
Candidates should be nominated by or through the members of the Standing Committee of ICGTMP

The Weyl Prize will be awarded coinciding with the XXXIII/V ICGTMP (Group33/35), to be held in Cotonou, Benin, 15-19 July, 2024.


In 2023 a new award, which bears the name of «Wigner Medal», has been unilaterally created without the involvement of the Standing Committee of the ICGTMP (these new medals have already been awarded to three scientists). It should not be considered as lying in the continuation of the genuine Wigner Medals which were awarded from 1978 till 2018.


The 33rd/35th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group 33/35) will be held in Cotonou, Benin, July 15-19, 2024.